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Mozzie-Repellent Wristband Despicable Me

Mozzie-Repellent Wristband Despicable Me
Repellent Wristbrand Despicable Me is a 100% natural citronella bracelet that is natural, water resistant and made without chemicals. The citronella is a plant-based insect repellent registered for this use in the United States since 1948 and is noted for its non-toxic mode of action.
Little children will not need persuasion to slap on the fun-looking wrist-bands. They come in 3 fun Minion characters – Phil, Kevin and Stuart – and each package contains 3 citronella tablet that each last 20 days.


Insert a tablet inside the soft silicon character on the wrist-band and wrap the wrist-band around the child’s wrist or ankle. The tablet inserts through a slot at the back of the silicon character mould so it is not easily accessible to the child once it is worn on the wrist.

For children below 3 years of age, parents may wrap the wrist-band around the stroller for its mozzie-repelling properties.
Depending on the humidity of the environment, the tablet will last approximately 20 days. Change the tablet for a new one once the citronella scent has faded. Do not use in the shower or the pool.



Care :

  • Do not ingest or lick the tablet
  • Wash hands after handling the tablet
  • Keep out of reach of children under 3 year old
  • In case of allergic reaction to the product, remove the bracelet and consult a doctor.


Available in both our Ocean Paradise Stores