Synchronised swimming is a combination of sports, art and dance choreographed to music and performed in the water. Don’t underestimate the level of fitness, agility and competence this sport demands. The lipsticked smiles, glitzy performance in jazzy costumes demands water skills, flexibility and strength, and is performed often to up-tempo music that the athletes perform to precise timing and much grace.
Already a strong school in competitive swimming, the United World College of SE Asia (UWCSEA) Dover’s Aquatics Department decided to expand their range of aquatics sports options in the academic year 2016. And so a young synchronised swimming team was born!
The team is coached by Mei Shan Krishnan who used to be the captain of the Singapore national synchronized swimming team herself. With 10 years under her belt, she is passionate about the sport and is excited about the team which currently trains twice a week. Leading 17 girls between ages 9 and 15, she choreographed and trained the team who presented their first public performance at the school’s ACSIS Junior Swim Meet Championships just 4 months after inception on 4 December 2016.
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