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Temporary Change in Store Operating Hours

Temporary Change in Store Operating Hours

< Update on 6 April 2020 >
With the government's announcement of the Circuit Breaker guidelines, our stores will be closed from 7 April - 4 May 2020

Our online stores remain operational and deliveries will be made within 3 - 5 working days locally. 
Friends! We haven't seen many of you lately in our stores as we are all staying indoors to actively try to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.
So we are temporarily changing our STORE OPERATING HOURS and hope that we will still able to serve you well.

Tanglin Mall 

9.30am - 8.30pm daily


10am - 8pm daily

Great World

10am - 8.30pm daily
New store operating hours had been amended since 1 March (Sun) 2020
Please do contact us via email (sales@oceanparadise.com.sg) should you have anything you urgently need to have/know/ask.
We look forward to seeing everyone again once we get through this!