The Only 100% Drown-Proof Method | Top 3 Water-Safety Tips
![The Only 100% Drown-Proof Method | Top 3 Water-Safety Tips](
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury or death worldwide with an estimated 236,000 drowning deaths per year. It is the leading cause of death among children 1–4 years, followed by children 5–9 years.
As proponents of aquatic sports, we want to emphasize the importance of keeping water safety topmost in our minds as we allow ourselves and our little ones to partake in these fun and healthy activities.
Let’s understand that drownings occur in all open water, such as the sea, lakes, ponds, rivers including swimming pools and even bathtubs. Small children have been known to drown in just a few centimetres of water.
And these deaths CAN be avoided. Here are 3 major tips to prevent drowning-
The first and the most important tip for a 100% drown-proof method is supervision. It only takes a few seconds before drowning occurs and it is definitely unforeseen. Constant supervision will allow you to ensure your child’s safety throughout; even if they are strong swimmers. Sometimes lifeguards will not be present, or even if they are around, they might not be able to oversee everyone at once. So be aware, supervision is super important. This does not only apply to parents, but caretakers, older siblings, friends who are helping to watch over the kids as well.
Kids learn how to swim normally with goggles on. But what happens when they fall into the water without them? No need to panic, it is not too late to teach them how to swim and navigate underwater without goggles. This is an important life-skill upon knowing that accidents can occur at any point in time, and we have to prepare the kids to overcome such situations.
Learning to swim back to the wall is one key tip to teach your children. If they do not know how to do this, they might get tired out before being able to reach back to safety - which leads to drowning. Learning this step will allow them to have an idea of when they should slowly swim back to regain their energy, and also gauge the distance between them and safety.
We hope that with these tips will help increase the safety of your loved ones while you have fun in the water, or near water. Help share this message so that we can reduce drowning accidents in the world.
You might just save a life with just one click!
Credits to AquaDucks.
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